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Academic & Commercial Proofreading

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Proofreading Commercial Sports Science Literature


Strength-Physiology.Online provides an English proofreading service (based in Scotland) that offers exercise and sport science businesses a comprehensive proofreading service. My commercial proofreading and editing service is designed for small start-up businesses to corporate businesses. I will work with you to ensure that your commercial sport and exercise literature is flawless and ready to be released.


Experienced Commercial Content Editor


My proofreading service is of the highest quality. To validate this I hold a Masters degree and PhD qualifications from two leading sport and exercise science-based universities. Additionally, I have extensive experience proofreading and editing commercial and academic sports science literature. I can proofread both exercise and sports science commercial content, as well as writing content for sport and exercise businesses. I can ensure that your commercial content is not only free from spelling mistakes and grammatical errors but I will work with you to provide a professional and tailored proofreading and editing service.


Professional Business/Company Proofreading


​Due to my expertise, I can ensure that your commercial content is not only free from spelling mistakes and grammatical errors but I also check syntax, sentence structure and can recommend improvements and suggestions that may be relevant to enhance readability. Over the years I have worked with many businesses in creating their content, as well as proofreading their commercial content. So rest assured I will provide you with high quality, professional, personalised commercial proofreading service. 

Academic & Commercial Proofreading Enquiry Form

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