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Mock Exam Papers, & Resources

Students Taking Exams

The following theory papers are samples from Further Education colleges and various UK undergraduate programs. These mock assessments are provided as a FREE resource so use them. The assessments can be completed on any device that can connect to the internet. Please note these assessments are a free resource and are only permitted for private use; any commercial usage would infringe copyright.

National Certificate and Qualification: Sport & Fitness 

Sport and Fitness: Coaching Development (SCQF level 5)


This mock paper helps you understand the requirements needed when planning sports coaching sessions. This module requires you to develop, deliver and evaluate a progressive sequence of sessions.


On completion of this mock paper you should be able to:


  1. Assess the requirements of participants for participation in sports coaching sessions.

  2. Produce plans for a sequence of sports coaching sessions.

  3. Prepare resources to ensure safe and effective participation in sports coaching sessions.

  4. Prepare participants of the sports coaching session.

  5. Deliver a planned sequence of sports coaching sessions designed to improve performance.

  6. Evaluate the sports coaching sessions and contribute to recommendations for personnel improvement.

What is Leadership: An Introduction (SCQF level 5)

A PDF version is available for our shop at a cost of £1.50 


This Unit is important because it will help you to understand what is meant by leadership. You will find out about what makes an effective leader. You will think about the skills and qualities you already have and those you will need to develop to be an effective leader.


Improving your abilities helps you cope with today’s quickly changing world. Achieving this Unit will help you build confidence, learn more easily, and may improve your career prospects.

Human Physiology in the Development of Performance (Higher)



This mock paper helps you develop a greater understanding of the basic anatomical and physiological principles which underlie human performance in a sporting or dance-related activity leading to the production of an extended training programme for a single participant.


On completion of this mock paper you should be able to:


  1. Explain the structure and function of the skeletal and muscular systems.

  2. Explain the structure and function of the cardio-respiratory and energy systems.

  3. Explain the adaptations that take place within the skeletal, muscular, cardio-respiratory and energy systems as a result of sporting or dance-related training.

  4. Design an extended performance-related physical training programme for a participant.

NC Sport and Fitness
NQ Sport & Fitness

Higher National Awards
Sports Coaching & Fitness, Health & Exercise

At the Exercise Science Academy, we are fully aware of the many awards that you can complete to gain entry into the fitness industry or in some cases progress onto University to study sports-based degrees. Awards that are commonly studied is the Higher National Certificate/ Diploma in Sports Coaching with Sports Development; Fitness, Health and Exercise (SCQF level 7/8); and Sports Science (SCQF Level 7/8). These awards aim to give you the fundamental knowledge and practical skills required to seek employment within the leisure and fitness industry. You typically gain knowledge and transferable skills in a range of subjects including exercise programming, health screening, nutrition, first-aid for sport, exercise physiology, and anatomy.
To aid in helping you with any of these assessments we have included several 'mock assessment' papers that allow you to fully prepare. All you need to do is source the specific module and see if there is an assessment paper to use for

SCQF Level 7 & 8 Sports Coaching & Fitness Modules

Health Screening (SCQF Level 7)



These mock papers help you to devise and apply a pre-exercise screening questionnaire. This subject is aimed at individuals wishing to work in the health and fitness industry setting.


On successful completion of the Unit the learner will be able to:

  1. Describe key factors relating to screening.

  2. Apply appropriate screening procedures to a specific client.

Fitness Testing For Sport (SCQF Level 7)


This mock paper [outcome 1 only]  helps you prepare for the theoretical elements relating to the selection, application and evaluation of appropriate fitness testing protocols. 


On completion of this mock paper you will be able to:

  1. Describe the key factors relating to fitness testing and test selection.

Working Effectively & Safely with Clients (SCQF Level 7)



This mock paper helps you understand the importance of safe and effective working relationships with clients. On completion of this mock paper you should be able to:

  1. Describe the importance of effective working relationships and customer service when working with personal training clients.

  2. Describe key methods of communication used when working with clients.

  3. Identify the components of TTM.

  4. Identify the importance of safeguarding children and vulnerable adults when working with clients.

Core Strength & Posture  (SCQF Level 7)



This mock paper helps further develop your understanding of human anatomy and physiology, with emphasis on the role of core strength in human movement. On completion of this mock paper you  should be able to:

  1. Describe the various planes of movement.

  2. Describe the role of skill-related components of fitness.

  3. Describe nervous control of movement, and the role of core strength and posture on exercise performance.

Research in Sport & Fitness: An Introduction  (SCQF Level 7)



These mock papers help you further develop your ability to access and analyse information on a sport or fitness related topic. This includes accessing both primary and secondary sources and presenting the findings of the research investigation in an appropriate form.


Psychology of Sports Performance (SCQF Level 8)



This mock paper aims to ensure you. understand issues surrounding the management of volunteers within voluntary sport and recreation clubs.




This mock paper aims to ensure that you can identify the key mental factors which relate to sports training and performance, can analyse an individual’s strengths and weaknesses in relation to mental skills, and can design an appropriate mental training programme for an individual.


SCQF Level 8  Fitness, Health & Exercise Graded Unit 2 Module

Managing Volunteers in Sport and Recreation (SCQF Level 8)

HN Sports Coaching & Fitness
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