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Image by J. Kelly Brito

The Academy

1-to-1 Online Support 

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Online Tutoring

Mi Virtual Classes Available 


Bespoke online support for sport and exercise students at undergraduate level (year one-to-four. This also includes students that study sports coaching, sports science or fitness-related awards at a Further Education college (i.e  SCQF Level 6-8). Below are examples of topics that are currently available:

  • Health Screening 

  • Strength & Conditioning

  • Anatomy & Exercise Physiology 

  • Working Safely & Effectively With Clients

  • Fitness, Health & Exercise Graded Unit 1 & 2

  • Research In Sport & Exercise

  • Nutrition for Fitness, Health and Exercise

  • Planning & Instruction In Gym Based Exercise Session​​

  • The Endocrine System & Metabolic Considerations for Personal Trainers

  • Biomechanics 

  • Exercise Principles and Programming

  • Flexibility & Stretch Training

  • Psychology of Sport and Exercise

  • Core Strength and Posture

  • Applied Fitness Testing

What People Say

"This man played a major role in the development of the physique and strength I have today as he took great time to answer all and every small question that I had to ask, questions that to others would’ve meant nothing, but to me they meant everything for my training."

I learned so much and feel privileged to have been one of his students.

"An Amazing Lecturer and Teacher! Privileged to have studied under you"

"Best lecturer/teacher I ever had . Always remember everyone laughed at me when I said I wanted to go to uni, u said to me that day I needed to go and prove everyone wrong which has always stuck with me! The master of motivation."

"Best lecturer going, would have never have got through them two years and now onto uni without your help!"

Steven Hartzenberg

"The reason why so many of us excelled in Uni.....a top lecturer and a top bloke."

Seaney Mcdermott

Kayleigh Thompson

Myles Howieson

Neil Patrick Tracey

Academic Exercise Science Tutoring

Video Conference

The Benefits of Online Tutoring 

While tutors have traditionally instructed learners in face-to-face environments, many students now rely on online tutors for additional guidance and support. When compared to its traditional counterpart, it's clear online tutoring has several unique benefits. Most importantly it allows students to complete coursework at their own individual pace. This is an incredibly convenient benefit especially for anyone with a hectic schedule. Additionally, online tutoring is also especially valuable for students that need to obtain specific grades at university. 

My online tutoring service involves synchronous tutoring with real-time interaction between the student and myself. It involves specific software that allows both parties to communicate directly via video, audio, or text.


On a Video Call

Learners and tutors see each other via video (great for developing rapport)

Share and Collaborate

Working from Home

Upload essays or specimen papers and work through examples together 

Re-watch Lessons

Zooming on Tablet

Lessons can be recorded so you can watch them later to aid in revision

What To Expect From an Online Lecture?

Learners who are new to this mode of learning might wonder what kind of lectures they should expect in an online environment. Online lectures can take many forms, from recorded versions of traditional lectures to interactive forms of learning.

“Traditional” Lectures for Online Learners

Some online course lectures are similar to what learners would expect to find in a traditional classroom. In fact, some are just that – classroom lectures that students watch, streamed live and in real-time. Other times, the lecturer may record themselves presenting an oral lecture and then upload it so that students can view the recorded lecture at their convenience, at any time of day or night. Instead of making a recording, other lecturers create and send students a slideshow presentation to watch and read. Even among these seemingly traditional types of lectures, some of them vary greatly from what students might expect to encounter in a traditional classroom. For example, some lecturers deliver their lectures as podcasts that students can listen to but don’t require them to keep their eyes on a screen. 


Making Online Lectures Interactive & Engaging

Other lectures in online classes can be more interactive. Learners may have to respond to questions or prompt either online or over the phone during the lecture, while others make the lecture almost like a game, with learners needing to complete assignments to earn points. Still, other online lectures require virtual class discussions, where students must have substantive conversations about the course material.

Online Tutorial Support Prices

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The Three Step Online Booking Process 

Zooming on Tablet

1st Step 
Book your allocated time slot and the service required.

Image by Dylan Ferreira

2nd Step 

Email will be sent with an invitation to join meeting via Zoom.

Girl Using Laptop

3rd Step

Join online and engage within the tutorial

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