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This book is subdivided into four chapters and was originally my masters thesis. Chapter one presents the whole thesis and contains the table of contents and all the tables and figures used in this manuscript. Chapter two is the research article which has been outlined previously in chapter one. Chapter three contains a critical appraisal of contemporary literature that is relevant to the subject. Subsequently, it reviews the most effective warm-up for the vertical jump (Burkett et al., 2005), and two studies (Bradley et al., 2007; Samuel et al., 2008) that assessed the effects of different stretch treatments on vertical jump performance. One further study observed the effect different intensities of static stretching have upon vertical jump performance (Behm and Kibele, 2007) and lastly one study examined the effect of static stretching on a squat jump at varying starting knee angles (La Torre et al., 2010). Chapter four critically appraises this study and summaries methodological restrictions, participant recruitment concerns, and includes some overall conclusions and recommendations for further research in this area. References and appendices have been included for the entire manuscript which can be found at the end of the final chapter.

The Pre-Exercise Stretch & Power

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