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Proofreading & Copy-Editing Services

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We fully understand that as a college or university student, your desire of graduating is central to you, and your future career aspirations are no doubt frequently on your mind.​ As you are aware the relentless pressure to achieve the necessary grades can be overwhelming, and you may be wondering how you can elevate your essay or assessment marks so that you have the best possible chance of academic success. If the quality of your written assessment is lacking, it could be holding you back from where you deserve to be.


In my experience as an educator, there are large numbers of learners that lack confidence in their written work and also submit assessments without appraising the content. It is not uncommon for learners to submit evidence that may not quite have what the assessment markers are looking for when it comes to clear written communication, academic strength, style, impact and flow. This is quite normal, which is precisely why so many learners turn to professional proofreaders to help them perfect their essays and dissertations.


What Are The Main Proofreading Services Used By Students?


Aside from professional proofreading which as I have already explained corrects spelling and grammar, perfects punctuation and deals with typos, students typically use the following editing services to enhance their written work.


Enhanced Editing


You know your subject and have an abundance of philosophies, observations and ideas to present. All of this information, however, needs to be set out in a clear, concise and impactful way, otherwise, it is quite simply not going to engage your marker and effectively demonstrate the expertise you have worked hard to hone. Enhanced editing boosts academic strength by improving the quality of written English. I will suggest rewording to enhance the impact and provide guidance on reordering for better flow. However, I care about academic integrity and I do not write, rewrite, or paraphrase students' work.


Essay Critique​


You’ve completed your essay, but you know there is something not quite right. Maybe it is lacking impact or substance, or perhaps you just can’t work out what is wrong. A professional proofreading company will be able to take that essay for you and give you feedback on everything from the relevancy of your references to the strength of the links between your theme and your content. You’ll also be given valuable guidance on crafting a winning writing style that will serve you well throughout your academic career.

Differences Between Services

* This is not always included for students submitting work for assessment. Many universities restrict what I can do, I will remark on issues for the student to implement but am rarely allowed to actively correct the formatting.


** As above, this will vary depending on the remit allowed by the university but where permitted, I will identify issues with missing data in the references for the student to identify and insert.


*** I can add the service of helping to find and add details to the references but that is an add-on and not part of the standard copy-editing process. The standard copy-editing service includes me highlighting where elements are missing.


None of the above services includes substantial rewriting or fact-checking unless explicitly requested (but not in breach of college or university policy). If heavy rewriting is required, I would recommend a final proofread after my file has been checked and all queries and new content checked by the author. 


Regardless of whether you ask for a proofreading or copy-editing service, I run a series of tests that include checks on the consistency of proper nouns. This means I will hopefully identify anomalies in the way someone's name is written and will do an internet search to see which is correct, but I do not externally cross-check all authors' names in reference lists unless this is requested.


Student Proofreading Prices


The Three-Step Proofreading & Copy-Editing Process 

Document with Pen

1st Step 
Read the terms of the agreement


Image by Brooke Cagle

2nd Step 

Upload the document and complete the form below




3rd Step

Two copies (one with highlighted tracked changes and a clean copy) will be sent to your email.


Proofreading & Copy-Editing Service 
Upload Document

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Proofreading prices



​We have a simple pricing structure for all student documents (apart from longer dissertations). This price includes a thorough grammar, punctuation, and spelling check, and I will improve readability by enhancing word choice, correcting tense use, identifying sentences that require additional clarity, improving sentence structure, and ensuring references adhere to specific styling.


Standard Service (3-to-5 day turn-over)


  • Higher National Certificate or Diploma - Proofreading Price  £12 per 1000 words. 

  • Undergraduate Proofreading Price –  £12 per 1000 words. 

  • Postgraduate Proofreading Price - £12 per 1000 words.


  • Higher National Certificate or Diploma - Proofreading Graded Unit Price (5 hours work)– £70 Fixed Rate. 

  • Undergraduate Proofreading Dissertation Price (6 hours work) - £75 Fixed Rate. 

  • Postgraduate Proofreading  Dissertation Price (6 hours work) - £80 Fixed Rate. 


Express Service (< 2-day turn-over)


  • Higher National Certificate or Diploma - Proofreading Price – £14 per 1000 words. 

  • Undergraduate Proofreading Price –  £14 per 1000 words. 

  • Postgraduate Proofreading Price - £14 per 1000 words.

  • Higher National Certificate or Diploma - Proofreading Graded Unit Price (5 hours work)– £80 Fixed Rate. 

  • Undergraduate Proofreading Dissertation Price (6 hours work) - £100 Fixed Rate.

  • Postgraduate Proofreading  Dissertation Price (6 hours work) - £100 Fixed Rate.



Student Copy Editing Prices

Proofreading & Copy-Editing Service


The editing service provides an additional, more comprehensive, content-focused review. I will remove factual errors, clarify obscure passages, eliminate irrelevant content, ensure a smooth and unbroken flow, and reorganise text where needed. I can also edit in adherence to a specific style guide.


Standard Service (3-to-5 day turn-over)


  • Higher National Certificate or Diploma - Proofreading & Copy-Editing Price – £16 per 1000 words. 

  • Undergraduate Proofreading & Copy-Editing Price -  £16 per 1000 words.

  • Postgraduate Proofreading & Copy-Editing Price -  £18 per 1000 words.

  • Higher National Proofreading & Copy-Editing Graded Unit


Express Service (< 2-day turn-over)


  • Higher National Certificate or Diploma Proofreading & Copy-Editing Price – £20 per 1000 words.

  • Undergraduate Proofreading & Copy-Editing Price -  £20 per 1000 words.

  • Postgraduate Proofreading & Copy-Editing Price -  £20 per 1000 words.​

The Three-Step Proofreading & Copy-Editing Process 

Document with Pen

1st Step 
Read the terms of the agreement


Image by Brooke Cagle

2nd Step 

Upload the document and complete the form below




3rd Step

Two copies (one with highlighted tracked changes and a clean copy) will be sent to your email.


Student Copy-Editing Prices

The Exercise Science Academy Statement of Ethics


We care about academic integrity and honesty. We do not write, rewrite, or paraphrase students' work. In the event that work needs substantial assistance, we will advise that the student communicates to their module or programme coordinator for further clarity.


We have included links to several university guidelines concerning 3rd party assistance and will abide by these policies. Please ensure that you have read your specific college or university student handbook and inform me of any potential restrictions on the level of service and support prior to the commencement of any proofreading.


University of Leicester - Proofreading Rules


Keele University - Proofreading: A Guide for Students


University of Essex - University Policy and Guidance on Proofreading


University of East Anglia - University Policy on the Use of Proof Readers 

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