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Level 4 Mental Health
Assessment Guidance & Documentation


Image by Sydney Sims

The key email address is  Case Studies for anything associated with externally delivered courses.  Please note: For extension requests or queries regarding assessments please contact Case Studies.


Additionally, lecturing staff is not permitted to preliminary grade papers prior to submission. All communication should be made directly to the WRIGHT Foundation Office and any requests to review students' work will be declined.


Quick Link 

Online Resources

Task - Complete the Online Course

On Course Resources

Mental Health Course Timetable

Mental Health


This is a 14 question quiz that has been constructed in a random order.

e-Books on Physical Activity & Mental Health

On Course Notes

  • Level 4 Mental Health Day Notes 1 > Link 

  • Level 4 Mental Health Day 1 Student Presentation Notes > Link 

  • Level 4 Mental Health Day Notes 2 > Link 

  • Level 4 Mental Health Day 2 Student Presentation Notes > Link 

  • Day Presentation Notes > Link 

  • Level 4 Mental Health Day Notes 3 > Link

  • Day 3 - Mental Health Morning Notes > Link  

  • Co-Morbitites and Exercise Overview List > Download

  • Piper Fatigue Scale > Link 

  • Piper Fatigue Scoring Scale > Link 

Click the image to access this information about free retraining courses.

Mental Health & Exercise Bitesize Animation

Additional Mental Health Resources



ICD-10-CM/ ICD-11 is the standard transaction code set for diagnostic purposes under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). It is used to track health care statistics/disease burden, quality outcomes, mortality statistics, and billing.



DSM-5 is short for the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed.). This is a reference handbook that the American Psychiatric Association (APA) publishes. It gathers the input and expertise of more than 160 mental health clinicians and researchers from all over the world.



  • National Institute of Mental Health [Depression Topics] - Link  


Case Study Support

Task  - Complete The Case Study Assessment

Case-study report: post-course written assessment.


To be completed post-course and is based on a ‘hypothetical’ client.   Candidates have 12 weeks to complete this assessment and return it to the office.   Pass Mark = 70%.  per section.


Below is a list of resources that may help you to complete the case studies. Each resource underneath has a brief description of its use. Additionally, there is a large body of information that will allow you to implement it within your own professional practice. 


NHS Medication Resource [Case Study Relevant]


  • NHS Medication - Link 

  • BNF App - Apple Link > Android Link

  • Table of Various Pharmacological Treatments - Link 


Mental Health Measurement & Tools [Case Study Relevant]​



​The Generalised Anxiety Disorder Assessment (GAD-7) is a seven-item instrument that is used to measure or assess the severity of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Each item asks the individual to rate the severity of his or her symptoms over the past two weeks. Response options include “not at all”, “several days”, “more than half the days” and “nearly every day”


  • Spitzer, R.L., Kroenke, K., Williams, J.B. and Löwe, B., 2006. A brief measure for assessing generalized anxiety disorder: the GAD-7. Archives of internal medicine, 166(10), pp.1092-1097. Link 



​The PHQ-9 is the nine-item depression scale of the patient health questionnaire. The nine items of the PHQ-9 are based directly on the nine diagnostic criteria for major depressive disorder in the DSM-IV. The PHQ-9 can function as a screening tool, an aid in the diagnosis, and as a symptom tracking tool that can help track a patient's overall depression severity as well as track the improvement of specific symptoms with treatment.


  • Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale (WEMWBS) - Link 


​WEMWBS is a 14-item scale of mental well-being covering subjective well-being and psychological functioning, in which all items are worded positively and address aspects of positive mental health. The scale is scored by summing responses to each item answered on a 1 to 5 Likert scale. The minimum scale score is 14 and the maximum is 70. WEMWBS has been validated for use in the UK with those aged 16 and above. Validation involved both student and general population samples, and focus groups.


  • Short General Health Questionnaire (GHQ 12) - Link 


​The General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) is a screening device for identifying minor psychiatric disorders in the general population and within the community or non-psychiatric clinical settings such as primary care or general medical out-patients. Suitable for all ages from adolescents upwards (but not children), it assesses the respondent’s current state and asks if that differs from his or her usual state. It is therefore sensitive to short-term psychiatric disorders but not to long-standing attributes of the respondent.


  • Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation (CORE 10) - Link


The CORE Outcome Measure (CORE-OM) is a self-report measure of psychological distress designed to be administered during a course of treatment to determine treatment response. The broad spectrum nature of the measure means it captures a wide variety of problems associated with mental health difficulties, beyond typical symptom measures.


Physical Resources & Tools [Case Study/ Practical Assessment Relevant]



The PAR-Q+ is a 7-step questionnaire for use with persons of all ages.  It screens for evidence of risk factors during moderate physical activity and reviews the family history and disease severity. If a person answers yes to one or more questions, the individual should complete a thorough follow-up of medical questions and consult a physician about beginning physical activity. An interactive online version for medical follow-up questions is provided by the e-PARmed-X+ (Jamnik, et al, 2011; Bredin, et al, 2013).


  • Various Online Calculators - Link 

  • 1RM Estimate Calculator - Link 

  • RPE Chart - Link 

  • Talk Test Chart - Link 

  • Example of a RAG Progression Circuit [Red, Amber & Green] - Link 


ACSM (2021) Brain Health Related Behaviours and Exercise Recommendations


  • ACSM (2021) Exercise recommendations for anxiety and depression - Link 

  • ACSM (2021) Strategies and approaches for increasing physical activity - Link 

Case Study Instructions 

Case Study Summary Guidance

You MUST complete the following for each of the case studies: 


Section 1 - Describe the experience of an individual [client] taking part in an exercise referral scheme. What exercise are they doing, at the facility and away from it? [Additional support material is located under ACSM (2021) Brain Related Behaviours and Exercise Recommendations ]

Section 2 - What elements of the Exercise Referral Scheme does the individual [the client] perceive as important?

Section 3 - What positive and negative experiences does the participant [the client] anticipate and experience from being in the Exercise Referral Scheme?

Section 4 - What are the pros and cons attached to being involved in the ERS for the individual?

Section 5 - What are the key positive and negative influences on the individual’s experiences in the Exercise Referal Scheme?

Section 6 -  How does the individual [the client] perceive the role of the exercise practitioner? (What does the client think you do? )

Section 7 - What is the perceived role of the exercise leader in the participants’ experience? (What do you think you do? ​)

Section 8 - What are the key factors that may impact the likelihood of the individual [the client] maintaining an active lifestyle more generally?

Section 9 - Did the involvement in the ERS have any influence on helping the individual to regulate mood and manage less healthy behaviors (e.g., snacking, drinking, smoking, etc)? [Did the client manage their behaviors with things like a food diary, mood diary, and smoking cessation]

Section 10 - What measures did you use to assess any changes in physical activity and mental health? [See the mental health subsection above for resources and also include the client's personal goals, pre vs. post-clinical measures/ results (Physiological [Blood pressure/body composition/ percentage body fat, aerobic capability, etc];  Psychological [GAD, PHQ-9, WEMWEBS scores, etc] measures ) 

Obseration booklet

Task - Complete the Observation/Viewing Booklet


Download The Electronic Booklet Here > Link

Below you will find several YouTube videos that demonstrate the benefits of physical activity, exercise and sport with reference to mental health and well-being.

The key email address is  Case Studies for anything associated with externally delivered courses and submission of the Case Studies.  Please note: For extension requests or queries regarding assessments please contact Case Studies. Additionally, lecturing staff are not permitted to preliminary grade papers prior to submission. However, we are always here to help you through the course. 

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